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View profile

View the list of addresses linked to your validator account on Validator Dashboard > your account > My profile.

If you’re a Standard Validator or a Validator Candidate, your profile has a set of the following addresses and details:

  • Admin address. The address used to manage your profile, staking activities, and claiming rewards.
  • Validator address. The address used for producing blocks. This address is displayed to delegators and also called “consensus address”.
  • Bridge operator address. The address used for operating Ronin Bridge.
  • Bridge governor address. The address used to vote on changes to the bridge, such as pausing the bridge or adding bridge operators.
  • Finality vote key. This is the cryptographic key used to vote for blocks in the fast finality mechanism.

If you’re a Governing Validator, your profile has an additional address: Chain governor address. This address is used to create proposals and vote on changes to the validator set.